Buckwheat: A Cool-Season Cover Crop for Florida Vegetable Systems
EDIS Cover Volume 2008 Number 2 Tropical Palms image



How to Cite

Treadwell, Danielle D., and Pei-wen Huang. 2008. “Buckwheat: A Cool-Season Cover Crop for Florida Vegetable Systems: HS1135 HS386, 2 2008”. EDIS 2008 (2). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-hs386-2008.


HS-1135, a 7-page illustrated fact-sheet by Danielle Treadwell and Pei-wen Huang, describes this “pseudocereal” commonly grown as a cover crop in the southeast, growth habits, environmental requirements, role as a nutrient catch crop, interactions with insects, potential for weed control and weed suppression, and economics. Includes references. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, February 2008.



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