ENH-1036, a 3-page fact sheet by Gary W. Knox, describes the history and qualities of these bulbs that flower after heavy summer rains. Includes information on availability and descriptions of species that are widely available, and some less common species to look out for. Published by the UF Environmental Horticulture Department, May 2006.
ENH1038/EP255: Hurricane Lilies, Lycoris Species, in Florida (ufl.edu)
Cooke, D.A. and Phan Yen Leng. Notes on Lycoris Species. http://members.ozemail.com.au/~davcooke/lycoris.htm Accessed July 11, 2005.
Ogden, Scott. 1994. Garden bulbs for the South. Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas.
Russell, Alice B. Poisonous plants of North Carolina. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/poison/poison.htm North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raliegh, North Carolina. Accessed July 11, 2005.