Rose Mosaic Virus Disease: A Disease Caused by a Virus Complex and Symptoms on Roses and Management Practices
a close up photo of Chlorotic line patterns caused by rose mosaic virus disease.
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rose mosaic
rose mosaic virus disease
rose mosaic virus
apple mosaic virus
prunus necrotic ringspot virus
virus of roses
chlorotic patterns on rose leaves

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da Silva, Susannah, Binoy Babu, Mathews L. Paret, Gary W. Knox, Fanny Iriarte, Barron Riddle, Matthew Orwat, Shawn T. Steed, E. Vanessa Campoverde, and Svetlana Y. Folimonova. 2018. “Rose Mosaic Virus Disease: A Disease Caused by a Virus Complex and Symptoms on Roses and Management Practices: PP338, 8 2018”. EDIS 2018 (4). Gainesville, FL.


Rose mosaic virus disease is one of the most economically important diseases affecting roses, because a single symptomatic leaf can result in the rejection of complete shipments for wholesale or retail rose producers. It continues to be a problem in nursery production and landscapes. This 5-page document discusses the causes, symptoms, and management of this disease. Written by Susannah da Silva, Binoy Babu, Mathews L. Paret, Gary Knox, Fanny Iriarte, Barron Riddle, Matt Orwat, Shawn T. Steed, E. Vanessa Campoverde, and Svetlana Y. Folimonova and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department, August 2018.
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