Guidance for Processing Sushi in Retail Operations
EDIS Cover Volume 2005 Number 3 seafood image
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How to Cite

Schneider, Keith R., Victor Garrido, W. Steve Otwell, and Ray Mobley. 2005. “Guidance for Processing Sushi in Retail Operations: FSHN0509/FS117, 2/2005”. EDIS 2005 (3). Gainesville, FL.


This recommended guidance is for sushi and related products (raw or cooked) either in the form of individual slices or combined in rolls made with acidified rice, seafood and vegetables, or similar rolls with vegetables alone, prepared in the retail establishment by combining the necessary ingredients, and packaged for display in refrigerated cases for public sale. This document is FSHN05-09, one of a series of the Food Science and Human
Nutrition Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. Published: February 2005. 

FSHN0509/FS117: Guidance for Processing Sushi in Retail Operations (
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