Effects of Homobrassinolides on HLB-Affected Trees in Florida
EDIS Cover Volume 2018 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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Alferez, Fernando, Christopher Vincent, and Tripti Vashisth. 2018. “Effects of Homobrassinolides on HLB-Affected Trees in Florida”. EDIS 2018 (August). Gainesville, FL. https://journals.flvc.org/edis/article/view/106660.


Initial results obtained from the research on the effect of brassinosteroids (a relatively newly discovered type of plant hormone) on citrus tree health as related to greening disease. The article focuses on our preliminary findings on citrus tree health, fruit yield and quality, and CLas bacteria titer in the central and southern Florida citrus producing regions after treatment of HLB infected trees with the hormone.

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