‘Florida Brilliance’ (PPAF) is a new short-day strawberry cultivar released by the University of Florida and commercialized in 2018. This cultivar was originally evaluated as breeding selection FL 13.26-134. It originated from a 2013 cross between breeding selection FL 11.31-14 (female parent) and selection FL 10-153 (male parent). ‘Florida Brilliance’ has been tested over several years at the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) in Wimauma, FL, at the Florida Strawberry Growers Association (FSGA) headquarters in Dover, FL, and on several commercial farms.
The target audience of this publication is strawberry growers in West-Central Florida, with nursery growers as a secondary audience. Its main purpose is to describe important attributes of ‘Florida Brilliance’ and make management recommendations that will help growers obtain optimum performance from this cultivar. Comparisons are made to ‘Florida Radiance’ (Chandler et al. 2009) (marketed as ‘Florida Fortuna’ outside the U.S. and Canada), Sweet Sensation® ‘Florida127’ (Whitaker et al. 2015) (hereafter referred to as ‘Florida127’) and ‘Florida Beauty’ (Whitaker et al. 2017).
Chandler, C. K., B. M. Santos, N. A. Peres, C. Joquand, A. Plotto, and C. A. Sims. 2009. "'Florida Radiance' strawberry." HortScience. 44: 1769-1770. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.44.6.1769
Seijo, T., J. Mertely, V. M. Whitaker, and N. Peres. 2013. "Evaluation of strawberry cultivars and advanced selections for resistance to anthracnose and Botrytis fruit rots, 2012-13." Plant Dis. Mgmt. Rep. 8: SMF029. doi:10.1094/PDMR05. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDMR05
Whitaker, V. M., C. K. Chandler, N. A. Peres, M. C. N. Nunes, A. Plotto, and C. Sims. 2015. "Sensation™ 'Florida127' Strawberry." HortScience. 50: 1088-1091. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.50.7.1088
Whitaker, V. M., L. F. Osorio, N. A Peres, Z. Fan, M. Herrington, M. Cecilia do Nascimento Nunes, A. Plotto, and C. Sims. 2017. "'Florida Beauty' Strawberry." HortScience, 52:1443-1447. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI12281-17
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