Body Lice and Pubic Lice
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Scherer, C.W., y P.G. Koehler. 2007. «Body Lice and Pubic Lice: ENY-208 IG084, 1 2001». EDIS 2001 (enero). Gainesville, FL.


This document provides an overview of body lice and pubic lice, detailing their biology, transmission, symptoms, and treatment. Body lice, which can transmit diseases like typhus, are less common in the U.S., while pubic lice are a significant nuisance. Both types of lice are blood-sucking insects that cause itching and irritation. Treatment involves washing clothing and bedding in hot water and using medicated shampoos or creams. The document emphasizes the importance of hygiene and alerting sexual partners in cases of pubic lice infestation.
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