Dagger Nematode Xiphinema spp. (Cobb, 1913) Inglis, 1983 (Nematoda: Enoplea: Dorylaimia: Dorylaimina: Xiphinematinae)
Schematic diagram showing detailed morphological features of a dagger nematode, Xiphinema spp.
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Heve, William K., William T. Crow, y Tesfamarian Mengistu. 2015. «Dagger Nematode Xiphinema Spp. (Cobb, 1913) Inglis, 1983 (Nematoda: Enoplea: Dorylaimia: Dorylaimina: Xiphinematinae): EENY 626 IN1097, 6 2015». EDIS 2015 (5). Gainesville, FL:7. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-in1097-2015.


Dagger nematodes parasitize plants. They cause economic damage and death of host crops through feeding on the roots and by spreading viral mosaic and wilting diseases, but field studies have shown that some control measures targeting reduction in the population of dagger nematodes can be effective in controlling viral diseases in susceptible crops. This 7-page fact sheet was written by William K. Heve, William T. Crow, and Tesfamarian Mengistu, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, June 2015.

EENY 626/IN1097: Dagger Nematode Xiphinema spp. (Cobb, 1913) Inglis, 1983 (Nematoda: Enoplea: Dorylaimia: Dorylaimina: Xiphinematinae) (ufl.edu)

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