VM-174, a 5-page fact sheet by Gary D. Butcher and Mojtaba Yegani, discusses disease management in poultry, why vaccination is used and reasons why a vaccine may fail to protect the flock. Includes references. Published by the UF College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, November 2008.
VM174/VM136: Investigating Vaccination Failure in Poultry Flocks (
Gingerich, E. (1997): Common errors in vaccinating pullet flocks. World Poultry, 13(1): 66-7.
Nilipour, A. H. Vaccination; Do we know all the facts. Personal communication.
Nilipour, A. H. (1995): A solid immune system: survival and profit. Industria Avicola, 42 (10): 34-3 6.
Nilipour. A. H. (1995): Detecting immune system dysfunction. Industria Avicola, 42 (11): 34-5.
Owen. R. L. (1994): The avian immune system: A producer's perspective. Arkansas Poultry Symposium, pp: 42-47.
Villegas, P. (1998): Getting the most from vaccines. World Poultry Special Issue on Respiratory Disease and Immunosuppression, December, pp: 20-21.
Yonzon, E. M. (1998): Updates on methods and equipment for water and spray vaccination. Poultry Digest, Oct/Nov issue, pp: 34.
Zander. D. V. (1997): Principles of disease prevention: Diagnosis and control. In B. W. Calnek (editor) Diseases of poultry, Iowa State University Press, pp: 23-25.