Procedimientos de Eutanasia Humanitaria de Ganado Enfermo, Herido y/o Debilitado, Cartilla de Referencia Eutanasia en Ganado Bovino
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 11 dairy farm image
PDF-2007 (English)

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Cómo citar

Shearer, Jan K., Paul Nicoletti, y Pedro Melendez. 2007. «Procedimientos De Eutanasia Humanitaria De Ganado Enfermo, Herido Y O Debilitado, Cartilla De Referencia Eutanasia En Ganado Bovino: VM-159 VM129, 4 2007». EDIS 2007 (11). Gainesville, FL.


VM-159, a full-color wallet card by Jan K. Shearer, Paul Nicoletti and Pedro Melendez, is the Spanish language version of VM-155, "Quick Reference Wallet Card on Euthanasia of Cattle." It describes the correct way to humanely euthanize cattle using gunshot or penetrating captive bolt. Published by the UF Department of Veterinary Medicine -- Large Animal Clinical Sciences, April 2007.
PDF-2007 (English)