Procedure for Handling 4-H Accounts: Tax-Related Procedures for 4-H Clubs and Affiliated Groups
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 9 money image
PDF-2007 (English)

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Cómo citar

Norman, Marilyn N., y Joy C. Jordan. 2007. «Procedure for Handling 4-H Accounts: Tax-Related Procedures for 4-H Clubs and Affiliated Groups: 4H 5.7 4H257, 2 2007». EDIS 2007 (9). Gainesville, FL.


4H5.7, a 3-page factsheet by Marilyn N. Norman and Joy C. Jordan, details correct tax procedures for 4-H clubs. Includes information on exemptions, state tax, and getting on the IRS list of charitable organizations. Published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, February 2007.
PDF-2007 (English)