Are Native and Nonindigenous Seaweeds Overgrowing Florida's East Coast Reefs?
EDIS Cover Volume 2006 Number 16 algae image
PDF-2004 (English)

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Cómo citar

Jacoby, Charles, Brian Lapointe, y LeRoy Creswell. 2006. «Are Native and Nonindigenous Seaweeds Overgrowing Florida’s East Coast Reefs? SGEF-156 SG073, 6 2004». EDIS 2006 (16). Gainesville, FL.


SGEF-156, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Charles Jacoby, Brian LaPointe, and LeRoy Creswell, discusses the excessive growth of green macroalgae, or seaweed, on the reefs around Palm Beach Florida. It documents the observations and surveys of several plants in recent years, describes the ecological and economic consequences of macroalgal blooms, and urges readers to work to lower the amount of nutrients finding their way into coastal waters and avoid fueling macroalgal blooms. Published by Florida Sea Grant, University of Florida, IFAS Extension, June 2004.
PDF-2004 (English)