Can We Stop "Killer Algae" From Invading Florida?
EDIS Cover Volume 2006 Number 16 algae image
PDF-2004 (English)

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Cómo citar

Jacoby, Charles, y Linda Walters. 2006. «Can We Stop “Killer Algae” From Invading Florida? SGEF-155 SG072, 6 2004». EDIS 2006 (16). Gainesville, FL.


SGEF-155, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Charles Jacoby and Linda Walters, describes the Mediterranean strain of Caulerpa taxifolia, or "killer algae", what it is, what it looks like, why it is invasive, and how people can help preventing an invasion of this noxious aquatic weed. Published by Florida Sea Grant, University of Florida, June 2004.
PDF-2004 (English)