FCS-2247, a 3-page fact sheet by Eboni J. Baugh, takes a different approach to relationship advice by focusing on four negative patterns of interaction which have been demonstrated to be major destroyers of marital relationships: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. She then provides several suggestions for ways to break these patterns. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2006.
Gottman, J. (1994). Why marriages succeed or fail: What you can learn from the breakthrough research to make your marriage last. New York, NY: Fireside Publishing.
Gottman, J. & Levenson, R. W. (2000). The timing of divorce: Predicting when a couple will divorce over a 14-year period. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 737-745.
Gurman, A. S. & Jacobson, N. S. (Eds.) (2002). Clinical handbook of couple therapy (3rd Ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Becvar, D. S. & Becvar, R. J., (2005). Family therapy: A systemic integration (6th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.