Field Key to Identification of Scale Insects on Holly (Ilex spp.)
EDIS Cover Volume 2006 Number 9 Avocado image
PDF-2006 (English)

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Cómo citar

Gyeltshen, Jamba, y Amanda C. Hodges. 2006. «Field Key to Identification of Scale Insects on Holly (Ilex spp.): IPM-141 IN649, 1 2006». EDIS 2006 (9). Gainesville, FL.


Over 500 different varieties of hollies (Ilex spp) are grown in the US as hedges, garden borders, and specimen plants. A well managed planting is generally free of pests and diseases but when growing
conditions are poor, pest and disease can become a problem (Ingram and Barrick 2003). This document is IPM-141 (IN649), one of a series of the Entomology and Nematology Department, UF/IFAS Extension. First published: January 2006.
PDF-2006 (English)


Ben-Dov Y, Miller DR, Gibson GAP. 2001. ScaleNet (Scale Insects-General information). (21 December, 2005)

Buss EA, Turner JC. 2004. Scale Insects and Mealybugs on Ornamental Plants. EDIS. University of Florida. (21 December, 2005)

Dekle GW. 1976. Florida Armored Scale Insects. Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry. Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas 3: 1-345.

Futch SH, McCoy CW, Childers CC. 2001. A Guide to Scale Insect Identification. EDIS, University of Florida. (December 20, 2005)

Hamon AB, Williams ML. 1984. Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry. Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas Vol. 2.

Ingram DL, Barrick WE. 2003. Hollies of Florida. University of Florida EDIS (November 18, 2005).

Miller GL, Miller DR, Limones EM, Gill RJ, Carlson RW. 2005. The United States National Collection of Scale Insect Photographs. ScaleNet. (19 December, 2005).

Short DE and Castner JL. 2003. Scale Insects Affecting Ornamental Plants. EDIS. University of Florida. (21 December, 2005).
