St. Augustine, the oldest city in North America, lies at Mile 778 of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, which runs 1095 miles from Norfolk, Virginia, to Miami, Florida. This guide is designed to help boaters enjoy and appreciate the natural and cultural resources accessible from recreational vessels in the St. Augustine area. The maps and text display and describe features from the maritime history of St. Augustine; resources important to boaters and anglers, including marinas, waterfront restaurants, and boat ramps; representative fish and wildlife; the distribution of natural resources, such as salt marshes, estuaries, and beaches; and sources of information and assistance. In addition, the guide offers suggestions for safe navigation and anchoring in area waters, which are subject to tidal currents due to the proximity of St. Augustine Inlet. Do not rely on this guide for navigational purposes. Instead, use the latest nautical charts. The St. Augustine Port, Waterway, and Beach District Commission provided funding for this guide, which was prepared in collaboration with the Florida Sea Grant College Program. Published April 2005.