This final article in the Best Practices for Mentoring series provides school-based agricultural education programs (SBAE) university faculty and others who serve as program coordinators of the student teaching internship experience with a step-by-step guideline on implementing a cooperating teacher preparation and support program. Written by Heather R. Nesbitt and Debra M. Barry, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, February 2025.
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Nesbitt, H. R., & Barry, D. M. (2022b). Cooperating teachers’ best practices for mentoring #2: Social support: WC420/AEC759, 9/2022. EDIS, 2022(5). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc420-2022
Nesbitt, H. R., & Barry, D. M. (2022c). Cooperating teachers’ best practices for mentoring #3: Professional support: WC422/AEC761, 10/2022. EDIS, 2022(5). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc422-2022
Nesbitt, H. R., & Barry, D. M. (2022d). Cooperating teachers’ best practices for mentoring #4: Role modeling: WC423/AEC762, 10/2022. EDIS, 2022(5). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc423-2022
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