The purpose of this publication is to summarize squash fertilization research results from studies conducted in Florida. These research results have been used to develop the current University of Florida nitrogen (N) recommendations for squash fertilization. Production of squash in Florida represents almost 3% of the total value of the state's vegetable industry. The value of the squash crop was $52,788,000 in the 2007-08 season (Fla. Agri. Stat. Bulletin 2009). Planted squash acreage has decreased steadily from 9500 acres planted in 1996 to 8600 acres in 2008. Major squash production areas are in southeastern Florida, where 60% of the squash is grown, followed by 16% in the southwest, with lesser production areas in the east, west, and central regions of the state. Peak harvest and out-of-state shipping months occur in December and May, though harvest of squash continues from October to June each year. Various types of squash are grown in Florida, including acorn, butternut, yellow straight and crookneck, white (scallop), and zucchini squash. Florida-grown squash represents 21% of the squash shipped to cities throughout the U.S.
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