Site Selection
EDIS Cover Volume 2016 Number 4 May




How to Cite

Futch, Stephen H. (1992) 2016. “Site Selection : HS141/CH024, 4/2016”. EDIS 2016 (4). Gainesville, FL.


Site selection for citrus production involves multiple critical factors, with freeze susceptibility being paramount, particularly in Florida. Latitude generally correlates with warmer conditions, making southern locations preferable. Proximity to heat sources like large bodies of water and consideration of topography also influence site warmth during freezes. Soil quality is another major factor; well-drained, relatively fertile soils with sufficient clay and organic matter are ideal, though much of Florida's soil requires modification for optimal citrus growth. Water management is crucial due to issues with both excess water removal and irrigation needs, compounded by regulatory and quality concerns. Economic factors, including land value, taxes, and access to infrastructure, further impact site viability. A thorough assessment of these factors is essential to ensure long-term productivity and profitability in citrus cultivation. First published June, 1992.
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