Solar Beeswax Rendering and Hints for Exhibiting Wax Blocks


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Honey Products


How to Cite

Sanford, Malcom T. 1995. “Solar Beeswax Rendering and Hints for Exhibiting Wax Blocks: ENY111/AA157, 2/1995”. EDIS 1995 (February). Gainesville, FL.


The article discusses the efficiency of solar wax extractors for beeswax rendering and offers advice on constructing and using them. It outlines the basic design of a solar wax extractor, where wax and old comb are placed on a slanted tray inside a covered box, allowing the wax to melt and collect in a pan when exposed to sunlight. The piece provides a suggested plan for building such an extractor and emphasizes the importance of making it bee-tight to prevent bees from being attracted to the melting wax.

Additionally, it highlights the criteria for judging rendered wax in honey shows, such as color, cleanliness, uniformity, and freedom from cracking. The article suggests methods for purifying the wax by allowing foreign materials to settle and scraping them off the bottom of the hardened wax cake. It also advises on minimizing crack formation in the final wax block by cooling it slowly in a preferred mold with slanted sides, like a bread pan. Lastly, it warns against touching the wax block before submission and suggests wrapping it in plastic for protection.
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