This publication aims to help inform potential students and their families about the dual enrollment program in Florida. Written by Christina DiLorenzo and Heidi Radunovich, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, June 2023.
Broward County Public Schools. (n.d.). High School Grading & Grade Point Averages. https://www.browardschools.com/Page/35127
Ceballos, J. (2021). Dual Enrollment: Launching Florida Students on a Postsecondary Pathway. Florida College Access Network. https://floridacollegeaccess.org/research-and-data/dual-enrollment-launching-florida-students-on-a-postsecondary-pathway/
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Florida Department of Education. (n.d.). Dual Enrollment. https://www.fldoe.org/policy/articulation/dual-enrollment-agreements.stml
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