Hurricane and Tropical Storm Impacts on Prescribed Fire and Wildfire Management Practices
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Prescribed Fire
Controlled Burn
Tropical Storm
Storm Damage


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Godwin, David R., Breanne Ward, Jennifer E. Fawcett, Gary C. Wood, and Raelene M. Crandall. 2022. “Hurricane and Tropical Storm Impacts on Prescribed Fire and Wildfire Management Practices: FOR381/FR452, 3/2022”. EDIS 2022 (2). Gainesville, FL.


Hurricanes and tropical storms can significantly alter forested and non-forested areas, creating unique hazards and considerations for wildland firefighters and prescribed burners. Prior to responding to wildfires and planning prescribed fires, fire managers should anticipate how these changes will affect fire behavior, smoke, hazards, and access to the fire.
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Kunkel, K. E., D. R. Easterling, A. Ballinger, S. Billing, S. M. Champion, D. R. Corbett, K. D. Dello et al. 2020. North Carolina Climate Science Report. Ashville, NC: North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies. 233 p.

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Wade, D. D., J. K. Forbus, and J. M. Saveland. 1993. "Photo Series for Estimating Post-Hurricane Residues and Fire Behavior in Southern Pine." General Technical Report SE-82. Ashville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. United States.

Coyle, D., and L. Lord. 2020. "Blowing in the Wind: Advantages of Longleaf Pine in Wind Storms." The Longleaf Partnership Council.

Saveland, J. M., and D. D. Wade. 1991. "Fire Management Ramifications of Hurricane Hugo." In: Proceedings: 11th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology; April 16-19; Missoula, MT. Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, MD. Pages 124-131.

Barlow, B., M. Andreu, C. Asaro, A. Maggard, and J. Auel. 2020. "Pine Forest Landowners Guide." In Hurricane Preparation and Recovery in the Southeastern United States. Technical Report edited by McNulty, Steven; Gavazzi, Michael; Matchett, Karin, eds.Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station.

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