Conservation Subdivision: Post-construction Phase—Policy Directions and the Importance of Assessing Stakeholder Opinions
A dragonfly using an urban habitat patch in Gainesville, FL.
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Conservation Subdivisions series


How to Cite

Feinberg, Daniel, and Mark Hostetler. 2015. “Conservation Subdivision: Post-Construction Phase—Policy Directions and the Importance of Assessing Stakeholder Opinions: WEC356 UW401, 12 2014”. EDIS 2015 (2). Gainesville, FL:5.


Simply designating open space in a development is not enough to provide long-term protection for a variety of wildlife. New policies need to be developed that encourage developers of conservation developments to adopt long-term management practices that support biodiversity conservation. This 5-page fact sheet discusses policy options that could be used to support conservation management practices and reports on a survey of Colorado landowners who have created conservation developments and their opinions about a policy option to support the implementation of management practices. Written by Daniel Feinberg and Mark Hostetler, and published by the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, December 2014. (Photo credit: Daniel Feinberg) 

WEC356/UW401: Conservation Subdivision: Post-construction Phase—Policy Directions and the Importance of Assessing Stakeholder Opinions (
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Conservation Development Process Guide

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Florida-Friendly Landscaping

UF/IFAS Assessment of Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas

Landscaping for Wildlife

Living Green in Madera

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