In 2009-2010, Florida growers produced 193.2 million pounds of snap beans, with a value of $0.69 per pound and a total value of $135 million. Snap beans were planted on 36,400 acres, and 32,200 acres were harvested, yielding an average of 6,000 pounds per acre. This revised 18-page fact sheet was written by W.M. Elwakil and Mark A. Mossler, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2012.
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), Florida Agricultural Crop Facts and Statistics Overview (Tallahassee, FL: FDACS, 2011), http://www.florida-agriculture.com/brochures/P-01304.pdf.
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Mary Lamberts (Vegetable Extension Agent, Dade County Cooperative Extension Service) in discussion with the author, August 1999.
Kenneth Shuler (Vegetable Extension Agent, Palm Beach County Cooperative Extension Service) in discussion with the author, July 1999.
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L. Nong, and F.D. Bennett, "Biological Control of the Mexican Bean Beetle," in Pest Management in the Subtropics, Biological Control - A Florida Perspective, ed. D. Rosen, F.D. Bennett, and J.L. Capinera (Andover, UK: Intercept, 1994), 115-22.
J.L. Capinera, "Banded Cucumber Beetle," EENY-93, UF/IFAS Featured Creatures (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 2007), http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/veg/bean/banded_cucumber_beetle.htm.
J.L. Capinera, Handbook of Vegetable Pests (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2001).
J.L. Capinera, "Garden Fleahopper," EENY-78, UF/IFAS Featured Creatures (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 2008), http://entomology.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/veg/leaf/fleahopper.htm.
USDA/NASS, Quick Statistics, 2010.
CDMS (Crop Data Management Systems, Inc.), CDMS Label Search, http://premier.cdms.net/webapls/.
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Helena Chemicals, August 2002.
Valent U.S.A. Corporation labels, Walnut Creek, CA.
Bayer CropScience labels, Research Triangle Park, NC.
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Jerry Bartz (Plant Pathologist, University of Florida) in discussion with the author, March 1999.
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William Stall (Weed Scientist, Horticultural Sciences Department, University of Florida) in discussion with the author, June 1999.
J.F. Miller, A.D. Worsham, L.L. McCormick, D.E. Davis, R. Cofer, and J.A. Smith, Weeds of the Southern United States (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 1975).
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