ENH1081, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Z. Deng, N.A. Peres, and B.K. Harbaugh, summarizes the results of studies conducted to determine whether any commercial caladium cultivars have resistance to this destructive disease affecting tuber production quality and quantity in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2007.
Goktepe, F., T. Seijo, Z. Deng, B.K. Harbaugh, N.A. Peres, and R.J. McGovern. 2007. Toward breeding for resistance to Fusarium tuber rot in caladium: inoculation technique and sources of resistance. HortScience 42:1135-1139. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.42.5.1135
Knauss, J.F. 1975. Description and control of Fusarium tuber rot of caladium. Plant Disease Report 59:975-979.
McGovern, R.J. 2004. Fighting Fusarium. Greenhouse Grower 22:146-150.
Marousky, F.J. and J.C. Raulston. 1973. Influence of temperature and duration of curing, storage, shipping and forcing periods on caladium growth. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 86:363-368.