Circular 1519, a 10-page document by Marisa Romero and Mark E. Hostetler, compiles and summarizes four city and county ordinances that promote sustainable development at the landscaping development level. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, May 2007.
CIR1519/UW253: Policies that Address Sustainable Landscaping Practices (ufl.edu)
Chiras, D., and D. Wann. 2003. 31 Ways to Create Sustainable Neighborhoods: Superbia! Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.
Bormann, F. H., D. Balmori, and G. T. Geballe. 1993. Redesigning the American Lawn. Yale University Press.
U.S. Census Bureau. Population Finder. http://www.census.gov/