La Trypanosomiasis Americana - Mal de Chagas
EDIS Cover Volume 2006 Number 27 lettuce image



How to Cite

Rey, Jorge, Kevin Kobylinski, and Roxanne Rutledge Connelly. 2006. “La Trypanosomiasis Americana - Mal De Chagas: ENY-726S/IN672, 9/2006”. EDIS 2006 (27). Gainesville, FL.


ENY-726S, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge Rey, Kevin Kobylinski and Roxanne Rutledge Connelly, is the Spanish language version of 'Blood Feeding Insect Series: American Trypanosomiasis - Chagas Disease.' It describes this potentially fatal, chronic disease and the triatomine bugs that transmit it. It discusses the low risk of contracting the disease in Florida or from contaminated blood, and information on control measures. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, September 2006.


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World Health Organization Expert Committee. 1991. Control of Chagas Disease. WHO Report Series. 811.

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