The Persimmon Borer Sannina uroceriformis Walker, Pest of Persimmon
EDIS Cover Volume 2006 Number 15 persimmon image
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How to Cite

Mizell, III, Russell F. 2006. “The Persimmon Borer Sannina Uroceriformis Walker, Pest of Persimmon: ENY-835 IN669, 7 2006”. EDIS 2006 (15). Gainesville, FL.


ENY-835, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Russell F. Mizell, describes a wood-boring insect pest of American persimmon, which is used as a root-stock for Oriental persimmon production. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, July 2006.

ENY-835/IN669: The Persimmon Borer Sannina uroceriformis Walker, Pest of Persimmon (
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Brown, L. N. and R. F. Mizell, III. 1993. The clearwing borers of Florida (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Tropical Lepidoptera 4, Suppl. 1. 21 pp. (

Englehardt, G. 1946. The North American clearwing moths of the family Aegeriidae. U.S. National Museum Bull. 190:1-222.

Miller, E. P. and T. E. Crocker. 1994. Oriental persimmons in Florida. (

Snow, J. W., T. D. Eichlin, J. H. Tumlinson. 1985. Seasonal captures of clearwing moth (Sesiidae) in traps baited with various formulations of 3,13-octadecadienyl acetate and alcohol. J. Entomol. Sci. 2:73-84.

Solomon, J. D. 1995. Guide to insect borers in North American broadleaf trees and shrubs. USDA-FSAH, AH-706.
