Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Activities to Engage Youth with Practices of Exemplary Leaders
A drone aircraft in mid-flight. Photo taken 06-14-19.
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Leadership Development
Leadership Activities
Exemplary Practices of Leaders
Youth Leadership Development

How to Cite

Stein, Megan. 2019. “Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Activities to Engage Youth With Practices of Exemplary Leaders: AEC681/WC344, 10/2019”. EDIS 2019 (6). Gainesville, FL:3. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc344-2019.


This publication series is designed to outline strategies and experiences to expose youth to and engage them with leadership concepts. In this series, activities have been developed to introduce youth to Kouzes and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leaders. Each article in the series directly relates to one of the practices and the topics of values, vision, teamwork, trust, and gratitude. This new 3-page article, the first in the series, introduces each practice and Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model. Written by Megan Stein and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

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