Irrigation Management for Young Citrus Trees
EDIS Cover Volume 2019 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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Kadyampakeni, Davie Mayeso, Arnold Schumann, Mongi Zekri, and Chris Oswalt. 2020. “Irrigation Management for Young Citrus Trees”. EDIS 2019 (January). Gainesville, FL.


Good citrus irrigation management is important for achieving optimal tree growth and promoting high water and nutrient use efficiencies in young citrus trees. In the era of citrus greening (also called Huanglongbing or HLB), poor water management practices such as infrequent irrigation lead to water stress in trees resulting in limited tree growth and impaired root development. On the other hand, over-irrigation (applying more water than the tree needs) results in excessive fertilizer leaching beyond the root zone particularly in summer months when we receive more than 60% of the annual rain in Florida. Thus, irrigation management practices that are frequent and use tools such as soil moisture sensors, plant sensors for water stress and irrigation apps to decide when and how much to irrigate can help growers reduce irrigation water pumping costs and save time. This article will cover irrigation management practices for maintaining tree productivity.

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