Management of Nematodes and Soil Fertility with Sunn Hemp Cover Crop
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How to Cite

Wang, Koon-Hui, and Robert McSorley. 2004. “Management of Nematodes and Soil Fertility With Sunn Hemp Cover Crop: ENY-717/NG043, 9/2004”. EDIS 2004 (18). Gainesville, FL.


Sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L. is a rapidly growing crop that is used for fiber production in India and Pakistan. It is most popular as a green manure in many tropical and subtropical areas in the world as an organic nitrogen source. Recently, there is a growing interest in rotating sunn hemp with cotton in the southern United States and in using sunn hemp as a summer cover crop in Florida and other southeastern states. Sunn hemp suppresses weeds, slows soil erosion, and reduces root-knot nematode populations (Rotar and Joy, 1983). When plowed under at early bloom stage, nitrogen recovery is the highest. This document is ENY-717, one of a series of the Department of Entomology and Nematology, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Date first printed: September 2004. 

ENY-717/NG043: Management of Nematodes and Soil Fertility with Sunn Hemp Cover Crop (
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