This fact sheet presents the sucrose accumulation maturity curves for different crop ages (plant cane, 1st ratoon, and 2nd ratoon) of CP 88-1762. CP 88-1762 harvest samples were collected at 2-week intervals at 5 locations over 4 harvest seasons in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Biomass and sugar yields were determined on all samples in order to generate SPT trends over time. A full comparison of CP 88-1762 SPT trends with 12 other CP cultivars may be found in EDIS publication SS-AGR-221 Maturity Curves and Harvest Schedule Recommendations for CP Sugarcane Varieties (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SC069). This document is SS-AGR-219, one of a series of the Agronomy Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Published April 2004. Reviewed March 2005.
SS-AGR-219/SC067: Sucrose Accumulation Maturity Curves for CP 88-1762 (ufl.edu)
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