Sugarcane Variety Census: Florida 2000
EDIS Cover Volume 2003 Number 18 wild flowers and beach iguana image



How to Cite

Glaz, B., and Robert A. Gilbert. 2003. “Sugarcane Variety Census: Florida 2000: SS AGR 197/SC059, 11/2003”. EDIS 2003 (18). Gainesville, FL.


This annual variety census of the Florida sugarcane industry for the 2000-2001 harvest season is the latest in a long series. Mill managers and independent growers supplied data for 97.2 percent of Florida's sugarcane acreage. (This estimate was based on information supplied by growers and mill managers, and factoring in that growers who previously supplied variety information for 12,443 acres did not submit information this year.) As a
result, the census contains much descriptive and useful information for the Florida sugarcane industry.  This document is SS AGR 197, a publication of the Agronomy Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Published November 2003. Reviewed March 2005.


Glaz, B. 1994. Sugarcane variety census: Florida 1993. Sugar y Azucar 89(1):39-43.

Glaz, B. 1997. Sugarcane variety census: Florida 1997. Sugar y Azucar 92(12):18-20, 22, 23, 26-28.

Glaz, B. 1998. Sugarcane variety census: Florida 1998. Sugar y Azucar 93(12):30-34, 36-37.

Glaz, B. 1999. Sugarcane variety census: Florida 1999. Sugar y Azucar 94(12):30-36.

Glaz, B., P.Y.P. Tai, J.C. Comstock, J.D. Miller, J. Follis, and L.Z. Liang. 2000. Evaluation of new Canal Point sugarcane clones: 1998-99 harvest season. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS-151, 28 pp.

Glaz, B. and W.C. Donovan. 1984. Florida's 1984 Sugar Cane Variety Census. Sugar y Azucar 79(12):30-31, 33.

Glaz, B., J.D. Miller, C.W. Deren, P.Y.P. Tai, J.M. Shine, Jr., and J.C. Comstock. 2000. Registration of 'CP 89-2143' sugarcane. Crop Sci. 40:577.

Glaz, B. and M.F. Ulloa. 1995. Fallow and successive planting effects on sugarcane yields in Florida. Journal American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 15:41-53.

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