Economic Dimensions of the Florida Golf Course Industry
EDIS Cover Volume 2003 Number 5 Children at school image



How to Cite

Haydu, John, and Alan Hodges. 2002. “Economic Dimensions of the Florida Golf Course Industry: FE344 FE344, 12 2002”. EDIS 2003 (4). Gainesville, FL:16.


Economic impacts of the Florida golf industry were estimated for year 2000 based upon a survey of golf courses, together with other published data and regional economic models. A survey questionnaire was mailed to all 1,334 golf courses in Florida. Responses were received from 223 firms, representing a 17 percent response rate. The respondent golf courses were classified as private (50 percent), semi-private (27 percent), public (14 percent), municipal (nine percent), resort (five percent), and military (one percent). Results for survey respondents were extrapolated to estimate values for the entire industry. This 16-page fact sheet was written by John Haydu and Alan Hodges, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, December 2012.


Florida Department of Revenue. 1999. Property tax report. Tallahassee, FL. Available at

InfoUSA, Inc. 2001. Reference USA. Business Directory, version 4.1. Omaha, NE: InfoUSA.

National Golf Foundation. 1999. The U.S. Golf Travel Market, 1998 edition. Jupiter, FL: National Golf Foundation [Publication 99MR002].

National Golf Foundation. 2001. Golf Facilities in the U.S., 2001 edition. Jupiter, FL: National Golf Foundation.

Minnesota Implan Group. 2001. Implan Prosocial accounting and impact analysis software, version 2, and regional data for Florida counties, 1999. Stillwater, MN: MIG, Inc. Available at

University of Florida Department of Urban and Regional Planning. 2000. Florida Geographic Data Library. Gainesville, FL. Available at

University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research. 2000. Florida Statistical Abstract, 2000, 34th edition. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press.

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