Phytophthora: An Old Problem with New Challenges
EDIS Cover Volume 2018 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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Johnson, Evan. 2019. “Phytophthora: An Old Problem With New Challenges”. EDIS 2018 (January). Gainesville, FL.


              Phytophthora is a continual threat to Florida citrus production.  Brown rot can directly reduce yields of early maturing varieties including Hamlin and Grapefruit and can delay harvest of fresh market fruit because it can spread post-harvest.  Foot and crown rot can be a tree killer, but is uncommon with the correct rootstock choice.  Root rot is a perennial problem that can silently reduce tree vigor and fruit production, but is well known and frequently monitored for damaging populations in commercial groves.  All three of these diseases have been manageable in the past; however, the endemic HLB infection has changed the dynamics of Phytophthora inoculum and management of Phytophthora root rot. 

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