Tetraploid Induction and Establishment of Breeding Stocks for All-Triploid Seed Production
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all-triploid seed production

How to Cite

Yang, Huiping, Ximing Guo, and John Scarpa. 2019. “Tetraploid Induction and Establishment of Breeding Stocks for All-Triploid Seed Production: FA215, 5 2019”. EDIS 2019 (3). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fa215-2019.


Triploid-tetraploid breeding technology has been applied to commercial oyster aquaculture worldwide. Triploid oysters are becoming the preferred aquaculture product because of their fast growth, better meat quality, and year-round harvest. Tetraploids are essential for triploid oyster aquaculture because commercial production of all-triploid seed depends on the availability of tetraploids for reproductive materials. This 8-page fact sheet written by Huiping Yang, Ximing Guo, and John Scarpa and published by the UF/IFAS School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, conveys basic knowledge about tetraploid induction and breeding to commercial shellfish culturists and the general public.

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