Balancing the Equation: Using Socratic Dialogue to Increase Student Engagement and Achievement in a Middle School Mathematics Classroom
Socratic dialogue, inquiry based learning, middle school mathematics, action research, discussion based learning, constructivist learning, student achievement, student engagementAbstract
Student engagement and achievement is not optimized when using traditional, non-inquiry ways of mathematics learning. This action research study gives insight into the positive relationship that exists between Socratic-type, inquiry-based questions and the level of student achievement and engagement by answering the research question: “How does using Socratic dialogue via inquiry-based questioning as an instructional practice affect engagement and guide academic achievement for middle school mathematics students?” Students were guided through mathematical discussions by teacher-led Socratic dialogue-type questions during initial unit introduction. Results of this action-research support the positive relationship between student achievement and engagement, spotlighting the importance of dialogue within a math classroom as a call to action for all teachers. Continued scholarly investigation will help educators implement new pedagogies that will provide students with experiences that improve their learning environments and can help bridge the learning gaps often visible in mathematics.