Controlled-Release Fertilizer Boosts Health of HLB Trees (Part 2)
EDIS Cover Volume 2017 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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Spyke, Pete, Joby Sherrod, and Jude William Grosser. 2017. “Controlled-Release Fertilizer Boosts Health of HLB Trees (Part 2)”. EDIS 2017 (March). Gainesville, FL.


Until now, most growers have considered Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF) to be primarily for use on young trees, especially resets in existing groves.  As it turns out, it is becoming more apparent that CRF can also help mature trees of many varieties overcome the effects of HLB.  Consequently, growers are modifying their dry fertilizer programs to include CRF at a cost per acre that’s equivalent to a program using only conventional ground-applied fertilizer source materials.


In limited field trials and greenhouse studies, the use of ground applied Polymer-Coated Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF) with elevated levels of minor elements has resulted in trees that are essentially free from symptoms of HLB and are producing good crops of wholesome fruit with many variety and rootstock combinations.  That outcome appears to be consistent over different growing conditions and multiple years.  Furthermore, field observations indicate that mature trees can recover from HLB infection with only applications of CRF.


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