Biology, Ecology, and Benefits of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Agricultural Ecosystems
Micrograph showing structures of plant roots such as hyphae, which appear string- or vein-like, and vesicles, which appear as dark circles.
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Mycorrhizal fungi


How to Cite

Andres, Holly, Hui-Ling (Sunny) Liao, and Kaile Zhang. 2025. “Biology, Ecology, and Benefits of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Agricultural Ecosystems: PP383, 3 2025”. EDIS 2025 (2). Gainesville, FL.


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, as symbionts to host plants, play a pivotal role in regulating plant nutrient uptake and maintaining soil health. As approximately 80%-90% of terrestrial plants are colonized by mycorrhizal fungi, this fungal group significantly contributes to the overall yield and functions in crop production. This publication provides updated general knowledge on the biology and ecological functions of the most common types of mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi are highly sensitive to environmental stressors and management practices, such as the application of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, as well as fungicides. An enhanced understanding of mycorrhizal fungi can raise awareness among growers, prompting them to consider mycorrhizal fungal activities when managing their farms. Moreover, it can improve the general public's knowledge of the role mycorrhizal fungi play in natural terrestrial ecosystems, including agricultural and forest ecosystems.
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