Pets and Pesticides: Benefits and Potential Risks
EDIS Cover Volume 2024 Number 3 aquifer source image
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pesticide safety and handling
flea control
tick control


How to Cite

Kraus, Emily. 2024. “Pets and Pesticides: Benefits and Potential Risks: PI300, 5/2024”. EDIS 2024 (3). Gainesville, FL.


This publication is intended for pet owners of non-agricultural animals. It describes the benefits and risks associated with topical pesticides and collars intended to protect pets from parasites. It also describes how to protect pets from unintentional exposure to pesticides used in and around homes. Finally, it provides guidance on where to find assistance in case of an emergency.
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EPA. Avoid Counterfeit Pesticide Products for Dogs and Cats, November 15, 2023.

EPA. Safely Use Rodent Bait Products, October 10, 2023.

Koehler, P. G., and W. H. Kern. “ENY-224/DH044: Rat and Mouse Control.” Ask IFAS - Powered by EDIS, February 12, 2017.

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