Example Ordinance for Compost Amending Soil in Urban Landscaping
Backyard composter with potted flowers and trees.
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How to Cite

Radovanovic, Jovana, James D. McGuire, Jana Caracciolo, Tom Ankersen, and Eban Z. Bean. 2021. “Example Ordinance for Compost Amending Soil in Urban Landscaping: AE566 AE566, 10 2021”. EDIS 2021 (6). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ae566-2021.


This publication describes an example ordinance that can be used by local governments as a starting point for developing a compost amendment ordinance tailored to their local situation and conditions. Written by Jovana Radovanovic, James D. McGuire, Jana Caracciolo, Tom Ankersen, and Eban Z. Bean, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, October 2021.

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