Sweet sorghum has been designated as “potentially viable” as a biofuel crop. This 8-page fact sheet evaluates the economic potential of producing sweet sorghum as an annual bioenergy crop in the state of Florida. Written by Zane R. Helsel and José Álvarez, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, August 2011. UF/IFAS cover photo: Tyler Jones.
Bradford, V.E. 2008. An advanced feedstock for ethanol: Sweet sorghum is crop to fuel the future. Sugar Journal 2008 (January): 16-20. http://www.SugarJournal.com
E85Prices.com. http://E85prices.com/florida.html
Farmers Growing Fuel (FGF). 2009. Sweet sorghum: The best crop for ethanol production, now, and for the foreseeable future. http://www.farmersgrowingfuel.com/best-crop-for-ethanol.php
Frosch, B.J. 2008. Estimating and comparing alternative ethanol processes and feedstock sources. In Proceedings of the Transition to a Bio Economy Conferences, Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems Conference, Atlanta, GA (February). http://ideas.repec.org/p/ags/fftrin/48709.html
Morris, B.D. 2008. Economic feasibility of ethanol production from sweet sorghum juice in Texas. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (December).
Vecchiet, A. 2010. Advantages of sweet sorghum for bioethanol production. European Community for Sweet Sorghum & Ethanol. http://esse-community.eu/articles/advantages-of-sweet-sorghum-for-bioethanol-production-2/