Caladiums are valued in landscapes and containers for their colorful and variable-shaped leaves. Two types of caladium cultivars exist in commercial production: fancy- and lance-leaved. ‘Florida Sweetheart’ is the most popular lance-leaved commercial cultivar of all colors. It produces wide lance leaves with a rosy color and relatively large tubers. ‘Florida Red Ruffles’ is the most popular red, lance-leaved commercial cultivar among caladium growers, greenhouse growers, and nurseries. It has excellent sunburn tolerance. Both cultivars were introduced by the University of Florida (UF) caladium breeding program. This 9-page fact sheet was written by Zhanao Deng, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2013.
Deng, Z., B.K. Harbaugh, and N.A. Peres. 2013. "UF 4412 and UF 4424 - Red lance-leaved caladium cultivars." HortScience 48(2): 239-244. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.48.2.239
Harbaugh, B.K., and B.O. Tjia. 1985. Commercial forcing of caladiums. Circular 621. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Rhodes, H.L. 1964. "Effect of hot water treatment of seed tubers and soil fumigation for control of root knot on yield of caladiums." Plant Disease Reporter 8:568-571.
Royal Horticultural Society. 1986. RHS Colour Chart. Royal Hort. Soc., London.
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