Commonly Asked Questions about Probiotics and the Potential Benefits for Your Health
Bottle of Probiotics.



How to Cite

Desland, Fiona, Lauren Christiansen, Mafuza Rahman, Karim Khan, Anastasia Potts, Claudio F. Gonzalez, and Graciela Lorca. 2012. “Commonly Asked Questions about Probiotics and the Potential Benefits for Your Health: MB005 MB005, 12 2011”. EDIS 2012 (3). Gainesville, FL.


Probiotics are living microorganisms that cause health benefits for a treated host, provided that the host consumes a sufficient amount of the microorganisms. This a rapidly expanding area of research and development because they can be added to diets as a form of preventative health care. This 7-page fact sheet answers questions about the history and current research into probiotics and how to select probiotic products. Written by Fiona Desland, Lauren Christiansen, Mafuza Rahman, Karim Khan, Anastasia Potts, Claudio F. Gonzalez, and Graciela Lorca, and published by the UF Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, December 2011. (Image ©2006 PLoS)


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