Opciones de Manejo Basadas en el Clima para Productores de Ganado Vacuno en el Centro-Norte de Florida
EDIS Cover Volume 2011 Number 1 Bat in a cage image



How to Cite

Breuer, Norman, Victor Cabrera, Peter E. Hildebrand, and James W. Jones. 2011. “Opciones De Manejo Basadas En El Clima Para Productores De Ganado Vacuno En El Centro-Norte De Florida: AE468/AE468, 11/2010”. EDIS 2011 (1). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ae468-2010.


AE468, a 9-page illustrated fact sheet by Norman Breuer, Víctor Cabrera, Peter E. Hildebrand, and James W. Jones, is the Spanish language version of CIR1476/AE289 Climate-Based Management Options for North Central Florida Beef Cattle Producers. It presents the results of a study interviewing ranchers and extension agents in North Central Florida, with an aim of developing user-friendly decision support systems for the agricultural production clientele. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, November 2010.




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