The citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead), also called silver mite, is an important pest of citrus in most humid regions of the world (McCoy and Albrigo 1975, Vacante 2010) (Figure 1). It was first described in 1879 from Florida (Burditt et al. 1963). Phyllocoptruta oleivora is the most important mite pest of Florida citrus due to the cost of control and damage caused to fruits, particularly those for the fresh market (Knapp 1994, Hoy 2011). It coexists with another rust mite called the pink citrus rust mite, Aculops pelekassi (Keifer) (Childers and Achor 1999); however, Phyllocoptruta oleivora is usually the prevalent species.
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