ABE-367, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Brian Boman, Darren Cole, Steve Futch, Ward Gunter, Jack Hebb, and Chris Wilson, instructs citrus grove workers in reading pesticide labels. Includes a quiz and references. Published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, August 2007.
ABE367/AE243: Understanding the Pesticide Label for Citrus Grove Workers (ufl.edu)
Clemson University, Pesticide Information Program, http://entweb.clemson.edu/pesticid/
Environmental Protection Agency, Pesticides: Regulating Pesticides, http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/pestlabels/
Michigan State University Extension, Reading a Pesticide Label, http://web1.msue.msu.edu/imp/mod02/01500584.html
North Dakota State University, Pesticides: Learning about Labels, http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/plantsci/pests/a1098w.htm
Virginia Cooperative Extension, Understanding Pesticide Labels, http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/envirohort/426-707/426-707.html