The ornamental value of caladiums (Caladium x hortulanum Birdsey) depends, to a great extent, on leaf characteristics including shape, color, color pattern, and venation pattern. Broadly, caladium leaves are classified into three shapes: fancy, lance, and strap (Fig. 1). This document is ENH1006, one of a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date August 2005.
ENH1006/EP257: Inheritance of Leaf Shape and Main Vein Color in Caladium (ufl.edu)
Wilfret, G.J. 1983. Inheritance of vein color in caladium leaves. HortScience 18:610.
Wilfret, G.J. 1986. Inheritance of leaf shape and color patterns in Caladium (Araceae). HortScience 21:750.
Wilfret, G.J. 1993. Caladium, p. 239-247. In: A. de Hertogh and M. le Nard (eds.). The physiology of flower bulbs. Elsevier, New York, N.Y.