Trucking, Owner-Operators, and Florida Perishables
EDIS Cover Volume 2005 Number 3 seafood image



How to Cite

Beilock, Richard. 2005. “Trucking, Owner-Operators, and Florida Perishables: FE543 FE543, 3 2005”. EDIS 2005 (3). Gainesville, FL.


In the early 1980s, owner-operators accounted for just over half of all interstate movements of Florida's produce/ornamentals (Beilock and Fletcher, 1983). During the past two decades, trucking deregulation and technological developments have favored larger carriers, which may have caused the importance of owner-operators to decline. In this report, we examine the extent to which owner-operators have been able to maintain their share of Florida's produce/ornamentals haulage and their dependence upon larger carriers to secure loads. his is EDIS document, FE543, a publication of the Department of Food and Resource Economics, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Published March 2005.


Beilock, R. 2004. Long Distance Refrigerated Trucking: A Florida Case Study. Report prepared for the Agricultural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

Beilock, R., G. Fletcher Beilock, R., and G. Fletcher. 1983. Exempt Agricultural Commodity Haulers. Transportation Research Forum 24(1):444-450.

Beilock, R., J. MacDonald, and N. Powers. 1988. An Analysis of Produce Transportation: A Florida Case Study. ERS/USDA Agricultural Economic Report 597, Washington, D.C., 43 pp.

Belzer, M. 2000. Sweatshops on Wheels: Winners and Losers in Trucking Deregulation Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

United State Department of Agriculture. Various years. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Shipments by Commodities, States, and Months, volumes 1970-2002. Agricultural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C.

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