Cuban Agriculture Before 1959: The Social Situation
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How to Cite

Alvarez, José. 2004. “Cuban Agriculture Before 1959: The Social Situation: FE480/FE480, 7/2004”. EDIS 2004 (12). Gainesville, FL.


Very few studies of social indicators were carried out in Cuba before 1959. The two most complete included the 1946 National Agricultural Census (Memoria, 1951) and the 1953 Population, Housing, and Electoral Census (Oficina, 1954-55). In 1956-1957, the University Catholic Association (Agrupación Católica Universitaria, ACU) conducted a national survey (Gastón et al., 1957; the original Spanish version can found at and the English translation at that, despite the existing critiques discussed below, seemed to confirm the findings of the two censuses. Jolliffe et al. (1958) is perhaps the most quoted study on pre-1959 research on nutrition but, as explained below, it refers to a narrow universe. Díaz-Briquets (1983; 1986) contain useful information on several of the variables discussed in this fact sheet. This is EDIS document FE480, a publication of the Department of Food and Resource Economics, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, UF/IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Published July 2004. 

FE480/FE480: Cuban Agriculture Before 1959: The Social Situation (
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Alvarez, José. 2004. Cuba's Agricultural Sector. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.

Benjamin, Medea, Joseph Collins, and Michael Scott. 1986. No Free Lunch-Food & Revolution in Cuba Today. New York, NY: Grove Press.

Díaz-Briquets, Sergio. 1983. The Health Revolution in Cuba. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

Díaz-Briquets, Sergio. 1986. How to Figure Out Cuba-Development, Ideology, and Mortality. Caribbean Review 15 (2, Spring): 8-42.

Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba. Various Issues. La Habana.

Gastón, Melchor W., Oscar A. Echevarría, and René F. de la Huerta. 1957. ¿Por Qué Reforma Agraria? Serie-B, Apologética, Folleto No. 23, Buró de Información y Propaganda, Agrupación Católica Universitaria, La Habana, Cuba.

Gordon, Jr., Antonio M. 1983. The Nutriture of Cubans: Historical Perspective and Nutritional Analysis. Cuban Studies 13 (2, Summer): 1-34.

Jolliffe, Norman, Robert S. Goodhart, Morton Archer, Hady Lopez, and Flavio Galban Diaz. 1958. Nutrition Status Survey of the Sixth Grade School Population of Cuba. Journal of Nutrition 64 (3): 355-398.

McGuire, James W., and Laura B. Frankel. 2003. Mortality Decline in Cuba, 1900-1959: Patterns, Comparisons, and Causes. Paper presented at the 2003 Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas (March 27-29).

Memoria del Censo Agrícola Nacional de 1946. 1951. La Habana: Ministerio de Agricultura de la República de Cuba.

Oficina Nacional de los Censos Demográfico y Electoral. 1954-55. Censo de Población, Electoral y de Vivienda. La Habana.

U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1960. Statistical Abstract of the United States. Washington, DC.

Valdés García, Orlando. 1990. La Socialización de la Tierra en Cuba. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.

Valdés Paz, Juan. 1997. Procesos Agropecuarios en Cuba, 1959-1995. La Habana: Eitorial de Ciencias Sociales.

Wylie, Kathryn H. 1969. A Survey of Agriculture in Cuba. ERS-Foreign 268, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, June.

Zuaznábar, Ismael. 1986. La Economía Cubana en la Década del 50. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.

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